0-18 months with an adult.
You and your baby will love this time together as we share age appropriate songs, rhymes, and play together.
Programs run by the Children’s Department are for children residing in UFSD #22 only. You MUST use your child’s library card to register. Registration with an adult card will be invalid.
Join us for a lively discussion of short stories. Pick up your copy at the Reference Desk.
Preference given to UFSD #22 residents for all programs.
Catan, Clank! Catacombs, Ginkgopolis, Tyrants of the Underdark, Harmonies, Sol…These are not your parents’ board games. Whether you’re an experienced gamer or newbie, come join us for a night of fun playing board games.
Preference given to UFSD #22 residents for all programs.
Special Needs/All Ages.
Please contact the Youth Services Department at 516-249-9090 ext. 224 for more information.
Preference given to UFSD #22 residents for all programs.